Grand Council Convention Committee
Karla Jorgensen Ponce & Christian Sy
The purpose of the Grand Council Convention(GCC) Committee is to encourage brothers to attend and connect them during Grand Council Convention. The committee will coordinate the Pacific West Province caucus and social events (if applicable) during GCC, and will aid in the coordination of hotel reservations for attending brothers. The committee will also present updates and highlights from GCC during the Province Assembly immediately following GCC.
· Charges to be completed prior to upcoming province
· Create and post GCC 101 documents (GCC 101 Quick Guide and Slide Set)
· Manage guidelines for a GCC scholarship to present to the Auditing and Province Development committees
· Charges to be completed during province
· Present GCC scholarship guidelines
· Ongoing charges
· Promote attendance to GCC
· Upload documents to the GCC Google Drive folder as appropriate
· Propose Pacific West Province retreat during off-GCC years and present information to the Auditing committee