Executive Board





Initiated Epsilon Psi

Currently Arizona Grad

Previously Pacific West Province Secretary, Pacific West Province Legislative Chair, Epsilon Psi Pledge Educator, Epsilon Psi Pledge Master, Epsilon Psi Legislative Chair

Enjoys spending time with my dog, hiking, reading RPG video games, concert going





Vice Satrap

Initiated Delta Tau

Currently Nevada Grad

Previously Nevada Grad Regent

Enjoys Basketball, Video games, Formula 1

Why Kappa Psi Initially, I joined because all my friends in school were rushing too. But soon afterwards, it became a pathway to professional and personal connections as well as an improved sense of leadership and confidence. Most of all, I really enjoy spending time with and making memories with my Kappa Psi Brothers.



Ethan Chhan


Initiated Epsilon Gamma

Currently Epsilon Gamma

Previously Epsilon Gamma Vice Regent

Enjoys Going out to explore new food spots with friends, music festivals, and writing

Why Kappa Psi I had joined Kappa Psi because I wanted to forward my career as a pharmacist but be a part of something bigger than myself. In undergrad, I had the opportunity to be a part of several student organizations on campus, giving me the opportunity to build a sense of community, purpose, and direction with those around me. Enrolling into pharmacy school, Kappa Psi stood out to me with the potential to give me the tools I needed to succeed as a student pharmacist and use those same tools to better my campus and community. After crossing over, I can say for certain rushing and pledging for Kappa Psi has made a positive impact on myself and the endeavors I have become apart of! 


mark rothpletz


Initiated Gamma Upsilon

Currently Gamma Upsilon

Previously Gamma Upsilon Treasurer

Enjoys Soccer, rock climbing, camping, bowling, painting, playtime with the kiddo

Why Kappa Psi Brother Jarrod Hose convinced me that joining would help me network. Since joining, I have met many brothers and connected beyond just pharmacy school.


andrew thach



Initiated Epsilon Gamma

Currently Pomona Grad & Utah Grad

Previously Epsilon Gamma Historian

Enjoys Backpacking, photography, and videography

Why Kappa Psi “Kappa Psi ‘til I die” #ΚΨ4LYFE.


Joseph tucker


Initiated Gamma Upsilon

Currently Gamma Upsilon

Previously Gamma Upsilon Vice-Regent

Enjoys Hiking, traveling, weightlifting

Why Kappa Psi I joined Kappa Psi to become a part of something greater than myself. I wanted to form strong bonds with other like-minded people for both my professional development and to make lifelong friends.


lynn vu



Initiated Zeta Omicron

Currently Arizona Grad

Previously Zeta Omicron Webmaster

Enjoys Music festivals, Kpop, art, and spoiling my kitties

Why Kappa Psi I joined Kappa Psi because I knew that it would help me grow both professionally and personally. The connections and friends I have made through Kappa Psi has been far reaching and absolutely priceless.


karla jorgensen ponce


GCC Delegate

Initiated Delta Phi

Currently San Diego Grad, Portland Grad

Previously Pacific West Province Satrap, Pacific West Province Secretary, Portland Grad Vice Regent, Delta Phi Chair of Intercollegiate Affairs

Enjoys EDM, dancing, traveling, Pokémon, and cuddling with my three cats





Alternate GCC Delegate

Initiated Delta Tau

Currently Nevada Grad

Previously Fundraising Chair, Webmaster, Vice Regent of Nevada Grad

Enjoys board games (owns approximately 250), cooking

Why Kappa Psi I continue to be a part of Kappa Psi because it’s already a part of me like family. My friends are in it and it helps me continue to grow as a person.



Randy Ouellette


Immediate Past Satrap

Initiated Zeta Tau

Currently Anaheim Grad

Previously Pacific West Province Satrap, Pacific West Province Vice Satrap, Pacific West Province Treasurer, Zeta Tau Regent

Enjoys ramen, discovering new music, steak, the Seattle Seahawks, reading, aquariums, cats, cookies, chips are my weakness




Province Supervisor

Initiated Delta Lambda

Currently South Carolina Upstate Grad, Buies Creek Grad

Previously Grand Counselor, Grand Historian, GLP Assistant Supervisor, Province III Historian, Delta Lambda Ritualist

Enjoys spending time with my children Josephine and Thorin, watching Florida football and basketball, photography, traveling and food experiences, collecting RPh licenses

Why Kappa Psi? The people 100% They are my friends, my family, my coworkers, my cheerleaders, my support group. Other bonuses: The leadership skills I’ve learned and networking opportunities through Kappa Psi have better equipped me in my professional and personal lives. My province and GCC traveling have led to numerous experiences and explorations that I normally would not have considered. The mindset of paying it forward yet continuing to receive so much more than what I can give.


Kyrsten Karsky


Province Assistant Supervisor

Initiated Beta Sigma

Currently North Dakota Grad

Previously Beta Sigma Regent and Pledge Educator; North Dakota Grad Chaplain, Vice Regent, Regent

Enjoys Traveling, reading, baking, crocheting

Why Kappa Psi? Kappa Psi shaped me into the person and the pharmacist I am today. I come back to continue to build bonds with my brothers and help be a mentor to those who come after me.
